Friday, June 20, 2014

Sean, Ana and Eleanor update:

My uncle Ryan asked what everybody's summer plans were in just two words.  My two words seemed like I was searching for pity, but I'm not.  The words were "Expectations, Disappointment."

I've been busy this summer.  I'm directing a show with my sister Melissa in Lehi, working in the day time, and trying to write some psychology papers for academic journals.  I am about to submit a paper that I wrote with a fellow student and mentored by a faculty member.  It's about relationship satisfaction's effects on depression.  HOPEFULLY it'll get published and I'll be rich and famous.

The three of us have been living at my parents' house which has saved our bacon.  I am in school until December and only have part time work.  Ana has her hands full (literally) with our baby girl.  We will be moving sometime within a month or two to a place in Provo that has subsidized rent for us struggling newly-weds.  It'll be nice to have our own place.  Thanks Mom and Dad for all your help.  We'll miss you.  You'll miss us.  We'll be glad to go.  You'll be glad to see us leave.  I think that's pretty normal.

Ana is having adventures in motherhood.  Eleanor keeps her busy.  I am so proud of how great she is at teaching our little girl how to do new things.  She's especially good at making sure Eleanor eats.  Our little 5.5 pounder we brought home from the hospital 6 months ago is now over 17lbs.  She's a giant.

Eleanor is learning to pick up food and she's good at making messes both on and in her pants.  I couldn't be a prouder papi.

So here's what I meant by my two words - Expectations and disappointment.  They don't mean quite what you think.

1. Expectations: I have high expectations for this summer.  Publishing, saving up money for the school year, starting a class on Tuesday, creating a successful production of Crazy for You, moving, etc.  At the same time I've been hoping to have some awesome family adventures too.

2.  Disappointment:  One job isn't giving me the type of hours I thought they would, so we're not seeing the bigger paychecks I had hoped for during the summer months.  And Ana and I get so tired that it's hard to have lots of adventures.  We've done one hike, seen two plays, a movie, and been to a museum (all of which Eleanor disrupted.  But those are the disruptions that you come to expect and don't mind TOO much).  We haven't been to a waterpark or visited a national or state park or some of the other things we've hoped to do yet.

So with the first half of our summer behind us, there's a little disappointment, and still high expectations.

But that's kind of what life is I think.  You do your best and always wish you could be able to fit in a little bit more.  More money, more fun, more sleep, more adventures, more family.  So that's why I'm working 12 hours today, and why Ana and I already have our tickets to Shakespeare in the park, a rodeo, and the OK Go concert.