Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Shoes

Yesterday I got a pair of shoes that I was told is "the Cadillac of Asics." 

I also went had lunch with the "best friend" of a missionary companion.  She has a missionary in the field and a current boyfriend.  And there I was in the middle of it all.  I felt like I knew her for years even though we had just bumped into each other long enough to set up a time for lunch. 

The poor break dancing club was largely ignored at the Wilkinson Center as people ate and they "broke it down" on stage. 

I met up with two mission buddies and we caught up a little bit.  It's interesting what things bring people together.  If it weren't for Zimbabwe I don't know if I'd have ever gotten two know these two gents.

I went on a date last night with a girl I met by agreeing to do a ballet.  I did the ballet as an excuse to see a good (really beautiful) friend of mine.  Well, my friend got engaged and I never stood a chance.  I knew it all along, and I wasn't expecting anything, but seriously!  What kind of dude does a ballet so he can chill with another man's fiance?  Especially a guy who has no intention of disturbing the relationship?  Anyway...I'm glad I did it.

I took my little ballerina to eat pumpkin pie, then see The Princess Bride for $2.  And whaddayaknow? It was an awesome date.  Totally cheap.  I got lost.  It was really cheap.  And it was an awesome date.  I set up two more activities with said ballerina and they hopefully will be just as awesome.

So what's my point here?

I guess it's this: go with the flow.  If I paid more attention to the price tag than the off-set laces, I wouldn't be wearing Cadillacs on my feet.  If I  didn't agree to a lunch with a stranger, I'd miss out on an instant relationship.  If I had paid more attention to the break dancing team, I'd have been more bored.  If I didn't give some missionaries on the dark continent a chance, I wouldn't have had some chums to reminisce with.  If I didn't agree to do something way out there for a friend, I wouldn't have met a ballerina.  And if I spent more money on the date, I never would've known if she'd be okay with dating a guy who is ruled more by miserliness than thrift.

So, in the words of Kel Mitchel's character Invisible Boy in Mystery Men "Just go with it."

Friday, February 11, 2011

Tiny Ants

As I and hundreds of other students scurry around campus in and out of buildings I can't help but make the comparison to tiny ants.  Take a look with me from above:

The main ant hill is, appropriately, an underground library.  The student ants criss cross collecting food and potential partners all around.  Every ant seems completely aimless.  After all, even I wandered into a building trying to figure out what I most needed to do next, then only filled my water bottle before exiting to my next destination on the other side of campus.  It all seems pretty random and insignificant.
Have you ever seen those two ant people who can't seem to side step one another but kind of crawl on top of each other?  They're becoming more frequent, frantically using their feelers, with Valentine's Day approaching.  Then of course there was that one guy ant who picks up a bread crumb the size of a corrola and carries it to his dorm for the party....

Ants are stupid.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Falsified Flashback #1

A few weeks ago I went to a movie with a friend and met two of her friends from school, a guy and a girl. I was at least somewhat disinterested in what they were talking about but I got the jist: a girl thought that the guy had feelings for her. "I really don't know why Anne would even think that. I've never done or said anything to even suggest that I liked her."
Here is where my mind wandered. I assumed that this guy was oblivious to himself and I had a great flashback of his interactions with Anne on his behalf.

#1- * "Hi Anne." "Hey!" "can I sit here?" "sure!" "man I'm tired, I hope you don't mind if I doze.." then guy lays his head on her knee.

#2- * "Hey you got a little ketchup.. Here let me get it.." He reaches over and wipes her chin gently with his finger then tucks her hair behind her ear. "There ya go." said with a wink. Of course, Anne is glowing.

#3-* Innapropriately dancing at a club: "Hey after this song do you wanna go to my place and make-out a bit in the hottub?"

~~~Back in real-time:
"I just don't understand WHY this girl would ever think I had feelings for her!"