Friday, February 11, 2011

Tiny Ants

As I and hundreds of other students scurry around campus in and out of buildings I can't help but make the comparison to tiny ants.  Take a look with me from above:

The main ant hill is, appropriately, an underground library.  The student ants criss cross collecting food and potential partners all around.  Every ant seems completely aimless.  After all, even I wandered into a building trying to figure out what I most needed to do next, then only filled my water bottle before exiting to my next destination on the other side of campus.  It all seems pretty random and insignificant.
Have you ever seen those two ant people who can't seem to side step one another but kind of crawl on top of each other?  They're becoming more frequent, frantically using their feelers, with Valentine's Day approaching.  Then of course there was that one guy ant who picks up a bread crumb the size of a corrola and carries it to his dorm for the party....

Ants are stupid.

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