Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Shoes

Yesterday I got a pair of shoes that I was told is "the Cadillac of Asics." 

I also went had lunch with the "best friend" of a missionary companion.  She has a missionary in the field and a current boyfriend.  And there I was in the middle of it all.  I felt like I knew her for years even though we had just bumped into each other long enough to set up a time for lunch. 

The poor break dancing club was largely ignored at the Wilkinson Center as people ate and they "broke it down" on stage. 

I met up with two mission buddies and we caught up a little bit.  It's interesting what things bring people together.  If it weren't for Zimbabwe I don't know if I'd have ever gotten two know these two gents.

I went on a date last night with a girl I met by agreeing to do a ballet.  I did the ballet as an excuse to see a good (really beautiful) friend of mine.  Well, my friend got engaged and I never stood a chance.  I knew it all along, and I wasn't expecting anything, but seriously!  What kind of dude does a ballet so he can chill with another man's fiance?  Especially a guy who has no intention of disturbing the relationship?  Anyway...I'm glad I did it.

I took my little ballerina to eat pumpkin pie, then see The Princess Bride for $2.  And whaddayaknow? It was an awesome date.  Totally cheap.  I got lost.  It was really cheap.  And it was an awesome date.  I set up two more activities with said ballerina and they hopefully will be just as awesome.

So what's my point here?

I guess it's this: go with the flow.  If I paid more attention to the price tag than the off-set laces, I wouldn't be wearing Cadillacs on my feet.  If I  didn't agree to a lunch with a stranger, I'd miss out on an instant relationship.  If I had paid more attention to the break dancing team, I'd have been more bored.  If I didn't give some missionaries on the dark continent a chance, I wouldn't have had some chums to reminisce with.  If I didn't agree to do something way out there for a friend, I wouldn't have met a ballerina.  And if I spent more money on the date, I never would've known if she'd be okay with dating a guy who is ruled more by miserliness than thrift.

So, in the words of Kel Mitchel's character Invisible Boy in Mystery Men "Just go with it."

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